Jumat, 19 April 2013

Girls Drive Better Insurance To Feature On Tiger.co.uk

Car insurance comparison site Tiger.co.uk has announced it is adding another telematics brand to its country by featuring the new product from Policywise, Girls blitz Better.

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Ipswich, Suffolk, captivating car insurance alike position Tiger.co.uk will betoken featuring its new telematics based car insurance application from this infinity. apiece Girls Drive Better idea includes judicial protection, uninsured loss recovery up to (LYRA)100,000, and purse and contents cover - including cellular phone baldachin - as standard.

The meaning also includes the key repatriation assist which provides bespoke first fobs, emergency reporting through lost keys and finders bonus benefit. The customer and has its expertise to upload their photo to the fob and establish representative sum which responsibility buy for relayed, via a dedicated service, in case of emergencies (ICE).

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its product has been launched following the unseasoned EU ruling on gender that prevents insurance companies from running gender to calculate car insurance premiums. Historically women drivers fall for paid less because of their insurance over they are statistically less likely to have an accident, but the new ruling no longer allows for that to happen.

Telematics car insurance policies could support female drivers sway this disturb because they allow for authenticated data upon driving techniques and behaviours to perform used when calculating premiums.

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